Week In Geek- Making the Best Of A Slow Content Week

Geeklings, hello hello! I know we kind of had ourselves a bit of a short week last week and that’s on me. I was dealing with that head cold Thursday and then the weekend happened, and honestly, I wanted to save some column ideas either for this week or to shape up for later this month. I’ve got the brain always in motion my friends. … Continue reading Week In Geek- Making the Best Of A Slow Content Week

Week In Geek- Spider-Man Goes on Vacation & We Return to Hawkins

Geeklings, what an exciting week we have ahead of us. Many of us believe that June 21st is the official start of the summer. That’s what the calendar tells us anyway. June 21st the longest day of the year kicking off the greatest season of the year, but what if I told you differently. What if I told you that summer didn’t really kick off … Continue reading Week In Geek- Spider-Man Goes on Vacation & We Return to Hawkins

Week In Geek- Shazam!, Stephen King Movies, & Witchcraft

Geeklings, remember last week when I told you that this week’s Week In Geek was going to be jam-packed with all types of awesome. Well, guess what? It is currently this week and it is jam-packed with all types of awesome. Is this paragraph a slightly confusing way of phrasing this? Maybe. Does it properly convey the excitement that is the first week of April? … Continue reading Week In Geek- Shazam!, Stephen King Movies, & Witchcraft