Week In Geek- 1917 Arrives, Stephen King On HBO, & New Mutants

Geeklings, the holidays are over and we can finally start to get back on track here at I Am Geek. It’s a brand new year with brand new goals and a whole lot of ass to be kicked. We’ve got some big plans for the site moving forward and I’m excited to share them with you as we move ahead with them. The goal has … Continue reading Week In Geek- 1917 Arrives, Stephen King On HBO, & New Mutants

I Am Geek Best of 2019 Part 2 (#5-1)

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,/and never brought to mind?/Should auld acquaintance be forgot,/and auld lang syne? Geeklings, we did it! We’re here. The end of the year is upon us. As I sit here reflecting on the year that was, I can’t help but think of Jason Mendoza when I say “my year started about a year ago…” Doesn’t’ that kind of perfectly sum up … Continue reading I Am Geek Best of 2019 Part 2 (#5-1)

Pull List- Endings For Batman, Doomsday Clock, & Thor Make For Bittersweet NCBD

Here we are Geeklings, at the end of all things or Happy New Comic Book Day to you all! Either one will suffice honestly. This is the last New Comic Book Day before Christmas which means all major publishers apparently wanted to release ALL the books. At once.  It wasn’t my alarm clock that woke me up this morning but the screaming of my wallet. … Continue reading Pull List- Endings For Batman, Doomsday Clock, & Thor Make For Bittersweet NCBD

Pull List- Captain Marvel Turns Heel, A Venom Ending, & Batman Causes Tears

Geeklings, we are back! It is Wednesday, it’s a most glorious New Comic Book Day, and the Pull List has returned to your eyeholes and I for one am ecstatic. Did you guys miss me? Cause I sure as hell missed you and talking comics on the weekly with ya. A lot has changed in the three weeks since the last Pull List. I am … Continue reading Pull List- Captain Marvel Turns Heel, A Venom Ending, & Batman Causes Tears

Pull List- Mutant Pirates, Undercover Superman, & Star Wars

Geeklings, a very Happy New Comic Book Day to you all. For those keeping track of my personal life, which I imagine is most of you, I am ten days away from getting married. We are in crunch time now people and things are moving fast. And I’m all for it to be honest. I’m ready. Let’s do this thing. Alas, I have to wait … Continue reading Pull List- Mutant Pirates, Undercover Superman, & Star Wars

Pull List- National Comic Book Day, All the Ghost Riders, and Deadly Class Back In Session

Geeklings, a very Happy New Comic Book Day to you all! And what a fine New Comic Book Day it is. I’m still riding the high from the surprise El Camino trailer yesterday and that has made for a most excellent transition into the excitement for new comics. Granted, none of today’s comics deal with a chemistry teacher who gets lung cancer and becomes a … Continue reading Pull List- National Comic Book Day, All the Ghost Riders, and Deadly Class Back In Session

Pull List- Long Live King Thor, Batman Tugs At the Heart, & Supreme Leader Snoke (?!)

Geeklings, a very Happy New Comic Book Day to you all! Here at the Pull List, we come together every Wednesday to celebrate superheroes and their stories but I would be remiss not to acknowledge the significance of today. Eighteen years ago, damn, superheroes weren’t just found in comic books. No, they were embodied with our first responders and firemen who put their lives on … Continue reading Pull List- Long Live King Thor, Batman Tugs At the Heart, & Supreme Leader Snoke (?!)

Pull List- Marvel Celebrates 1000, Batman & Superman Together Again, & Carnage Everywhere

Geeklings, a very Happy New Comic Book Day to you all! And what a freakin’ New Comic Book Day it is. My wallet weeps with the number of comics I purchased today. Like actual tears. Have you ever made your wallet cry? It’s a mess. Especially if said wallet is in your pocket. It raises too many weird questions. But what was I going to … Continue reading Pull List- Marvel Celebrates 1000, Batman & Superman Together Again, & Carnage Everywhere

Pull List- The Future/Past/Present of the X-Men, Paper Girls Final Delivery, & Stranger Things

Geeklings, a very Happy New Comic Book Day to you all! My NCBD started off a little differently than usual. I woke up a little late this morning so I was unable to workout and read some of today’s new books. Tough choices needed to be made and I chose workout (#gettingintoweddingshape) which meant I had to push back reading until lunch. Food and comics are an adequate … Continue reading Pull List- The Future/Past/Present of the X-Men, Paper Girls Final Delivery, & Stranger Things

Pull List- A New Day For Mutants, The Return of the White Knight, & Jane Foster

Geeklings, a very Happy New Comic Book Day to you all! Welcome to the Pull List where it’s all things comics all the time but especially on Wednesday. Or as I call it, the greatest day of the week. I hope this particular Wednesday finds you all in good spirits, one day closer to the weekend, and ready to get your read on. Because let me tell … Continue reading Pull List- A New Day For Mutants, The Return of the White Knight, & Jane Foster