Best of 2021 Part II

Geeklings, to the delight of many of you I assume, 2021 is on life support. It’s strapped to the hospital bed and it’s ready to say goodbye before the plug is pulled. My only hope is that the spirit of 2021 doesn’t inhabit the body of 2022 which I can only assume is what happened at the end of 2020. This has been an endless … Continue reading Best of 2021 Part II

Wandavision & Loki Finales Sync Up- What Does This Mean For the Multiverse?!

It’s been about a week and a half since Loki melted all our minds and fractured the MCU in levels we didn’t think possible. Suddenly Thanos snapping half of existence out of the picture doesn’t seem like the worst thing in the world when compared to the potential of a multiversal collapse, does it? While we have a few weeks to digest what was discussed … Continue reading Wandavision & Loki Finales Sync Up- What Does This Mean For the Multiverse?!

Loki- New Trailer & A Possible Bonkers WandaVision Theory

Monday’s the day of the week that needs the most assistance not to be a bag of suck. Tuesday is great because of tacos and because it’s not Monday. Wednesday gives us comic books and is the halfway mark of the week. Thursday is for getting thirsty, or was when I was in college, and also good for tacos. Friday is the end of the … Continue reading Loki- New Trailer & A Possible Bonkers WandaVision Theory

Falcon and the Winter Soldier- Is Marvel About To Kill [REDACTED]

I survived The Red Wedding… twice. I had to read it and then I had to watch it which was all types of worse. There is zero doubt in my mind that George RR Martin made Rob’s wife pregnant in the show so The Red Wedding fully crushed one’s soul. Mission accomplished you bastard! I survived Atrax drowning in the Swamp of Sadness, although I … Continue reading Falcon and the Winter Soldier- Is Marvel About To Kill [REDACTED]

I Am Geek’s 1000th Column Celebration

Geeklings, brace yourself for a very generic opening but I honestly can’t think of another way to start this momentous column. The truth of the matter is, it’s best to just be matter of fact, I suppose, and give you a bit of insight on what’s circling around the inside of my head at this moment. Sometimes the best way to be clever is by … Continue reading I Am Geek’s 1000th Column Celebration

Did WandaVision Just Set Up A Potential Captain Marvel 2 Conflict?

Episode five of WandaVision sure dropped some drone sized bombshells on us, didn’t it? Also, why are we firing missiles from a drone at children?! I know they might not actually exist but come on, that’s bad form SWORD. Why did you have to wait for Wanda to come outside? If you were intent on firing at her from the jump, why not just blow … Continue reading Did WandaVision Just Set Up A Potential Captain Marvel 2 Conflict?

Black Widow- Possible Delay Could Force Disney’s Hand

Geeklings, it looks like Black Widow is going to be delayed…again. As far as soft column openings go, I am fully aware that this is the equivalent of someone ripping a band-aid off without telling you they’re going to rip a band-aid off, but I just thought the best course of action here was to be direct. Why mess around? We know the game. It’s … Continue reading Black Widow- Possible Delay Could Force Disney’s Hand

Disney Share Holders Meeting- I Am Geek’s Biggest Take Aways

I don’t know how many of you watch basketball or watched any of the NBA Playoffs during quarantine, but there was a pretty awesome picture taken of Jimmy Butler after he single-handedly kept the Miami Heat alive in Game Five of the NBA Finals. Dude did everything and it was fun to watch in a world where at the time we needed sports on Tyrone … Continue reading Disney Share Holders Meeting- I Am Geek’s Biggest Take Aways

The Mandalorian Trailer- Reality vs Expectations

Do you remember that time in life where you would just impulsively buy DVDs because what was a home without a full DVD shelf? Like, “oh, there’s a sale so I’ve got to buy everything!” types of impulsive. I was like that… for a long time. I had this habit of stalking out Blockbuster’s that were going out of business and then systematically raiding said … Continue reading The Mandalorian Trailer- Reality vs Expectations

WandaVision- The MCU’s Weirdest Adventure Yet

There I was last night, sitting in my favorite chair, wrapped up in a blanket because the weather has gotten to that snug with a blanket temp that makes you resist closing the windows. We’ve got alllll the windows open in our place but that might be changing sooner rather than later as the weather continues to dip. Not that you asked for any of … Continue reading WandaVision- The MCU’s Weirdest Adventure Yet