Week In Geek- Michael Myers, Midnight Mass, & the Return of Bake Off (!!)

Geeklings, I don’t know if you know this but we’ve got quite the week ahead of us and I’m not just bragging about my impending vacation or upcoming birthday, which is Sunday for those of you keeping track and if you need gift ideas, I’ve got them for you. I’m not even talking about the New York Football Giants retirement of my Super Bowl hero, … Continue reading Week In Geek- Michael Myers, Midnight Mass, & the Return of Bake Off (!!)

Do We Watch Westworld With the Intention of Being Confused?

After taking a year and a half off, Westworld returned to our screens on Sunday and picked up right where it left off… in confusing the shit out of me. I don’t say this in a negative way, maybe frustrating, but mostly not negative. There’s just something about Westworld that leaves me with that furrowed brow feeling but inside my head where I can’t unfurrow it. Either that or … Continue reading Do We Watch Westworld With the Intention of Being Confused?

Fantasy Sports Are Cool But How About Fantasy Pop Culture?

As I was driving into work this morning listening to the Bill Simmons Podcast talk about what quarterbacks would be going where during the offseason it dawned on me, I miss football. I miss the Sunday get-togethers. I miss bitching about how bad the New York Football Giants are. I miss the food, my god the food. But most of all, I missed the fantasy … Continue reading Fantasy Sports Are Cool But How About Fantasy Pop Culture?

Week In Geek- The Outsider Finale, Artemis Fowl, & Strange Adventures w/ Tom King

Geeklings, it’s Monday which means it’s the start of a brand new week here at I Am Geek. Well, if we’re splitting hairs, Monday generally signifies the fact that it’s a brand new week everywhere but do you really want to split hairs on a Monday? Don’t be that guy or gal or underwater sea creature. This is Monday, let’s take things a little easy. Which … Continue reading Week In Geek- The Outsider Finale, Artemis Fowl, & Strange Adventures w/ Tom King

Week In Geek- Sabrina Goes to Hell, Picard Returns To Star Trek, & the Royal Rumble

Geeklings, welcome to a brand new edition of the Week In Geek where it’s always Monday but with different things to get all hyped about. Hopefully, everyone had a nice day off, stayed inside because it’s butt-ass cold out, and got to do some major relaxing. That certainly was part of my day here. In fact, there might have actually been a nap. A nap I … Continue reading Week In Geek- Sabrina Goes to Hell, Picard Returns To Star Trek, & the Royal Rumble

Playing Video Games As An Adult & A Possible Gaming Sin

As a thirty-eight-year-old, playing video games has become a bit of a luxury. There just isn’t enough time in the day for yours truly. From working a nine to five, reading comics/books, watching shows/movies, maintaining a social life, writing here on the site… time just moves more rapidly than I’d like. I don’t know how many of you have read Matt Fraction’s Sex Criminals but … Continue reading Playing Video Games As An Adult & A Possible Gaming Sin

Week In Geek- 1917 Arrives, Stephen King On HBO, & New Mutants

Geeklings, the holidays are over and we can finally start to get back on track here at I Am Geek. It’s a brand new year with brand new goals and a whole lot of ass to be kicked. We’ve got some big plans for the site moving forward and I’m excited to share them with you as we move ahead with them. The goal has … Continue reading Week In Geek- 1917 Arrives, Stephen King On HBO, & New Mutants

I Am Geek Best of 2019 Part 1 (#10-6)

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,/and never brought to mind?/Should auld acquaintance be forgot,/and auld lang syne? Geeklings, we did it! We’re here. The end of the year is upon us. As I sit here reflecting on the year that was, I can’t help but think of Jason Mendoza when I say “my year started about a year ago…” Doesn’t’ that kind of perfectly sum up … Continue reading I Am Geek Best of 2019 Part 1 (#10-6)

Week In Geek- 007 Trailer Trailer, Crisis Comes to the CW, & the Doctor’s Arrival Date

Geeklings, what is going on?! Hopefully, this Monday finds you indoors and warm as the first real snowy mix is heading my way here on the east coast. That gets a resounding “yuck” from yours truly. I hate snow. I hate it so much. Don’t give me any of that “but it looks so pretty” because that lasts like three seconds before all the muck. Plus, it means it’s cold out and winter is here (no longer coming) and winter is just this loooong, dark, vortex holding us hostage until the sun re-emerges with warmth and spring. But I don’t want to talk about snow. I’m like Anakin Skywalker with sand when it comes to snow. I hate it. 

Continue reading “Week In Geek- 007 Trailer Trailer, Crisis Comes to the CW, & the Doctor’s Arrival Date”