National Superhero Day- Two Issues To Best Celebrate Spider-Man

You can say a lot of things about the internet, and not all of it would be good, but there are days when it certainly delivers the goods. Especially on days where you’re just scrolling through your feed reading interviews with Anthony Mackie concerning the Falcon and the Winter Soldier finale. The internet is there to let us know of all the random special days … Continue reading National Superhero Day- Two Issues To Best Celebrate Spider-Man

Week In Geek- Godzilla v Kong, Mighty Ducks Return, & Invincible Arrives

Geeklings, are we ready for March 26th? Like seriously, check your souls, are you ready for March 26th?! Because March 26th isn’t just the last Friday in March, and no, I didn’t have to check a calendar to make sure that fact was true. March 26th isn’t just a made-up day of awesome. No, this day, this March 26th contains alllll the awesome. So much … Continue reading Week In Geek- Godzilla v Kong, Mighty Ducks Return, & Invincible Arrives

Wandavision- An Exploration Of Loss, Grief, & and How We Cope

“Vision, is this really happening?” Near the end of the second episode of Wandavision, Wanda poses this question to Vision as she suddenly goes from being without child to very pregnant in a blink of an eye. Yes, the start of the episode sees the couple pull up the covers so they can “get down” in a classic sitcom trope, but the mathematics of the … Continue reading Wandavision- An Exploration Of Loss, Grief, & and How We Cope

I Am Geek Best of 2020 Part II

First off, I’m fully aware that making a Best of 2020 list sounds like an oxymoron. It’s like trying to figure out what was your favorite bone you broke after you tumbled down that hill or choosing which childhood memory was the most traumatic. For me it would concern a tick… and that’s all I’m going to say about that. But here’s the thing, while … Continue reading I Am Geek Best of 2020 Part II

Week In Geek- The Boys Season Finale & Bly House Brings the Spooky

Geeklings, a happy Monday to you all. I am currently on vacation and have spent the majority of my day doing chores in the hopes that the rest of my week can be chore-free. I know that may sound like a rather boring way to start ones vacation buuuut, I have to admit, I feel accomplished. Tomorrow Kevin is going to be quite relaxed, I … Continue reading Week In Geek- The Boys Season Finale & Bly House Brings the Spooky

Week In Geek- Back To the Umbrella Academy, Emmy Nominations, & A Witcher Prequel?

Geeklings, today feels like a good day. Well, mostly a good day. My vacation ended yesterday and I’m back at work wearing real people clothes instead of spending my day in the pool reading. Oh, and it’s testicle levels of hot out which is uncomfortable in a second-floor apartment that only has one air-condition. And it’s Monday which means this is just the start of … Continue reading Week In Geek- Back To the Umbrella Academy, Emmy Nominations, & A Witcher Prequel?

Sooooo, Looks Like I Need A PS5

As a casual video game player, I was willing to wait out the Playstation 5 for a little bit. Kind like the super popular girl in high school waits out invitations to the prom. She’ll listen to all of them but she’s really waiting for that one specific invite to say yes to while also providing false hope into those who clearly do not stand … Continue reading Sooooo, Looks Like I Need A PS5

I Am Geek Quarantine What To Do List- Binge-Watching

We are only two days removed from our Quarantine Booklist and already the landscape has changed. Depending on where you live, most states are going on full lockdowns starting Sunday night which means if you have a non-essential job you’re stuck in home doing your non-essential work. Which basically means, you’re going to have a great deal of time to kill. Those eight hours that … Continue reading I Am Geek Quarantine What To Do List- Binge-Watching